Proxy Wiki
- Abandonware
- Abnormal data
- Abstract data type (ADT)
- Abstract method
- Abstraction
- AC
- Accelerated Mobile Pages
- Acceptable use policy
- Access control entry
- Access layer
- Access management
- Access Point Name
- Account compromise
- Account harvesting
- Account hijacking
- Account takeover
- Accumulator
- Action
- Activation code
- Active attack
- Active content
- Active defense
- Active learning
- ActiveX
- Actuator
- Ad blocker
- Ad fraud
- Ad rotator
- AdaBoost
- Adaptive authentication
- Adaptive design
- Add-in
- Address bar
- Address bar spoofing
- Address bus
- Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
- Address space
- Administrative privileges
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
- Advanced evasion technique
- Advanced metering infrastructure
- Advanced penetration testing
- Advanced persistent threat
- Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)
- Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)
- Adversarial examples
- Adversarial machine learning
- Adversarial training
- Adware
- AES encryption
- Affective computing
- Agent architecture
- Agent-based model (ABM)
- Aggregate function
- Agile software development
- Air gap
- Alert fatigue
- Algorithm
- Algorithm design
- Algorithmic efficiency
- Allowlist
- Allowlisting
- AlphaFold
- AlphaGo
- Alphanumeric password
- Alternative routing
- Always-On
- Amazon Redshift
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
- Analog
- Analog computer
- AND Logic Gate
- Android
- Android app
- Android package kit
- Angler phishing
- Anna Kournikova virus
- Annoybot
- Annoyware
- Anomaly-based detection
- Anomaly detection
- Anonymization
- Anonymizer
- Anonymous
- Anonymous call rejection
- Anonymous hackers
- Answer-seizure ratio
- Anti-fraud system
- Anti-malware
- Anti-phishing service
- Anti-ransomware
- Anti-spam
- Anti-spyware
- Anti-virus (AV) killer
- Anti-Virus Scanner
- Antivirus
- Anycast DNS
- Apache Hadoop
- Apache Hive
- Apache Pig
- Apache Spark
- Applet
- Application
- Application acceleration
- Application allow-listing
- Application awareness
- Application client
- Application delivery
- Application delivery controller
- Application delivery network
- Application deployment
- Application firewall
- Application gateway
- Application hosting
- Application layer
- Application log
- Application Management
- Application performance monitoring
- Application program
- Application programming interface
- Application Programming Interface (API)
- Application security
- Application server
- Application software
- Arbitrary code execution
- Area border router
- Arithmetic and Logic Unit
- ARM processor
- Array
- Array data structure
- Artifact
- Artificial intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Assembler
- Assembly language
- Assertion
- Assignment
- Association rule learning
- Associative array
- Astroturfing
- Asymmetric cryptography
- Asymmetric encryption
- Asynchronous data transmission
- Asynchronous Transfer Mode
- Asynchronous transmission
- ATM skimming
- Attack signature
- Attack surface
- Attack surface management
- Attack taxonomy
- Attack vector
- Attention mechanism
- Attribute
- Attribute value pair
- Attribution
- Audit log
- Audit trail
- Augmented intelligence
- Augmented reality (AR)
- Authentication
- Authentication server
- Auto attendant
- Auto-regressive models
- Autoencoders
- Automata theory
- Automated reasoning
- Automatic content recognition
- Automatic network
- Automatic Repeat ReQuests
- Automation platform
- Autonomous intelligence
- Autonomous system
- Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)
- Autorun Worm
- Back-translation
- Backdoor
- Backhaul
- Backporting
- Backpropagation
- Backtracking
- Backup
- Backwards compatibility
- Bad sector
- BadUSB
- Bagging
- Bait advertising
- Baiting
- Bak file
- Ban
- Bandwidth
- Bandwidth meter
- Bandwidth throttling
- Banker trojan
- Banking trojan
- Barcode
- Bare metal provisioning
- Base address
- Baseboard management controller
- Baseline configuration
- Baselining
- Bastion host
- Baud rate
- Bayesian networks
- Bayesian optimization
- Bayesian programming
- Beaconing
- Bearer protocol
- Behavior
- Behavioral biometrics
- Benchmark
- BERTology
- Best, worst and average case
- Bias and Variance
- Biba Model
- Bidirectional LSTM
- Big data
- Big data analytics
- Big-game hunting (BGH)
- Big O notation
- Binary
- Binary code analysis
- Binary format
- Binary number
- Binary search algorithm
- Binary tree
- Biohacking
- Bioinformatics
- Biometric authentication
- Biometric data
- Biometric device
- Biometric security
- Biometric spoofing
- Biometrics
- BIOS password
- BIOS rootkit
- Bit
- Bit rate
- Bit rate (R)
- Bitcoin
- BitLocker
- Black friday
- Black hat hacker
- Blackholing
- Blacklist
- Bladabindi
- Blended Threat
- BLEU score
- Bloatware
- Block cipher
- Block list
- Block size
- Blockchain technology
- Blu-Ray
- Blue hat hacker
- Blue Screen of Death (BSoD)
- Blue team
- BlueBorne
- Bluebugging
- Bluejacking
- Bluesnarfing
- Bluetooth
- BMP file format
- Bogon filtering
- Boolean algebra
- Boolean data type
- Boolean expression
- Boolean logic
- Boot
- Boot sector
- Boot sector virus
- Booter
- Booting
- Bootkit
- Bootloader
- Bot
- Bot herder
- Bot mitigation
- Botnet
- Boundary data
- Breadcrumbs
- Bricking
- Bridge connection
- Bridge mode
- Bridge protocol data unit
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
- Broadband over Power Line (BPL)
- Broadband router
- Broadcast address
- Broken access control
- Broken authentication attack
- Browlock
- Browser Helper Object (BHO)
- Browser hijacker
- Browser hijacking
- Browser isolation
- Brute force attack
- Brute-force attack
- Buffer
- Buffer overflow
- Buffer overflow attack
- Bug bounty
- Bulk data transfer
- Bullet camera
- Bundler
- Bundleware
- Burn
- Bus
- Business continuity management (BCM)
- Business email compromise
- Business email compromise (BEC)
- Business process compromise (BPC)
- Byte
- C&C server
- Cache
- Cache coherence
- Cache hit
- Cache invalidation
- Cache miss
- Cache Server
- Caching proxy
- Call detail record
- Callback
- Campus area network
- Canonical name
- CapsNet
- Captcha
- Captive portal
- Carberp
- Cardinality
- Cardinality (SQL)
- Carrier ethernet
- Cascading Stylesheets (CSS)
- CatBoost
- Catching server
- Categorical data
- Catfishing
- CD
- Cellular network
- Central Processing Unit (CPU)
- Central Tendency
- CEO fraud
- Cerber ransomware
- Certificate authority server
- Certificate-based authentication
- Certificate management
- ChaCha20
- Char
- Character
- Character-based language models
- Character set
- Chargeware
- Check Digit
- Checksum
- Chi-squared test
- Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
- Chosen Plaintext Attack
- Chrome browser
- Ciem
- Cipher
- Cipher suite
- Ciphertext
- Circuit-level gateway
- Cisco iOS
- Class
- Class A IP address
- Class B IP address
- Class-based programming
- Class C IP address
- Class D IP address
- Class E IP address
- Clean install
- Cleanroom software engineering
- Click fraud
- Clickbait
- Clickjacking
- Clickstream analysis
- Clicktivism
- Client
- Client-server network
- Cloaking
- Clocking
- Clop ransomware
- Closure
- Cloud archiving
- Cloud attack
- Cloud computing
- Cloud hosting
- Cloud Jupyter
- Cloud Native
- Cloud notebook
- Cloud operating system
- Cloud phishing
- Cloud security
- Cloud security posture management
- Cloud VPN
- Cloud VPS
- CloudTrust protocol
- Cluster analysis
- Cluster controller
- Clustering
- Co-location
- Cobalt strike
- Code generator
- Code injection
- Code library
- Code management
- Code monkey
- Code morphing
- Code signing
- CodeBERT
- Coding
- Coding theory
- Cognitive computing
- Cognitive science
- Cognitive technology
- Cohort analysis
- Cold boot
- Cold boot attack
- Cold data
- Collaborative filtering
- Collection
- Collinearity in regression analysis
- Collision
- Column based database
- Columnstore indexes in SQL
- Comma separated values
- Comma-separated values (CSV)
- Command & control (C&C)
- Command injection
- Command line interface
- Command-line interface
- Committed information rate
- Communications system
- Compact disc
- Companion virus
- Compatibility
- Compiler
- Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA)
- Complex data
- Composite key
- Compressed file
- Compression
- Compromised
- Computability theory
- Computation
- Computational biology
- Computational chemistry
- Computational complexity theory
- Computational model
- Computational neuroscience
- Computational physics
- Computational science
- Computational steering
- Computer
- Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
- Computer architecture
- Computer data storage
- Computer ethics
- Computer forensics
- Computer graphics
- Computer network
- Computer network defense
- Computer network operations
- Computer program
- Computer programming
- Computer science
- Computer science (CS)
- Computer scientist
- Computer security
- Computer system
- Computer virus
- Computer vision
- Computer worm
- Computing
- Concatenation
- Concept keyboard
- Concurrency
- Concurrency control
- Conditional
- Conficker
- Conficker worm
- Confidence interval
- Configuration file
- Confusion matrix
- Connection-oriented protocol
- Consistency check
- Constant
- Consumer electronics
- Consumer fraud protection
- Container
- Container breakout
- Container isolation
- Content-Based Filtering
- Content Delivery Network
- Context Delivery Architecture
- Context Vectors
- Contingency Table
- Continuation-passing style (CPS)
- Continuous applications
- Continuous data
- Continuous integration and continuous deployment
- Continuous intelligence
- Control bus
- Control flow
- Control framework
- Control network
- Control plane
- Control structure
- Control system
- Control unit
- Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
- Cookie
- Cookie theft
- Cookies
- Copy protection
- Copyright
- CoreBOT
- Coreference resolution
- Correlation analysis
- Correlation database
- Cosine similarity
- Country code top-level domain
- Covert channel
- CPU contention
- CPU utilization
- Crack
- Cracker
- Cracking
- Creative Commons (CC)
- Credential stuffing
- Credentials
- Creeper virus
- Creepware
- Crimeware
- Critical infrastructure and key resources
- Crlf injection
- Cron
- Cross-platform
- Cross-site requested forgery
- Cross-site scripting (XSS)
- Cross-Validation
- Crossover Cable
- Cryptanalysis
- CryptBot
- Crypter
- Crypto malware
- Crypto shredding
- Cryptocurrency
- Cryptocurrency mining
- Cryptographic hash function
- Cryptographic key
- Cryptographic protocol
- Cryptography
- Cryptojacking
- Cryptolocker ransomware
- Cryptovirus
- Cryptowall
- CTB locker
- Curation
- Current instruction register
- Customer data hub
- Customer edge router
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- CVE identifier
- Cyber attribution
- Cyber espionage
- Cyber Incident
- Cyber insurance
- Cyber liability insurance
- Cyber Monday
- Cyber operations
- Cyber-physical attack
- Cyber privateering
- Cyber range
- Cyber resiliency
- Cyber vandalism
- Cyber vigilantism
- Cyber warfare
- Cyberattack
- Cyberbullying
- Cybercrime
- Cybercriminal
- Cyberlibel
- Cyberlocker
- Cybersecurity
- Cybersecurity ecosystem
- Cybersecurity framework
- Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification
- Cybersecurity mesh
- Cyberspace
- Cybersquatting
- Cyberstalking
- Cyberterrorism
- Cyberthreat
- Cyberwarrior
- CycleGAN
- Daemon
- Daisy chain routers
- DALL-E 2
- Dangling pointer
- Dark patterns
- Dark web
- Dashboard
- Dask
- Data access
- Data acquisition
- Data administration
- Data aggregation
- Data analysis platform
- Data asset
- Data audit
- Data availability
- Data backup
- Data bank
- Data breach
- Data breach prevention
- Data bus
- Data center
- Data center design
- Data center proxy
- Data center rack
- Data center storage
- Data center tiers
- Data center virtualization
- Data conversion
- Data corruption
- Data custodian
- Data deduplication
- Data Diddling
- Data diode
- Data driven
- Data encryption
- Data exfiltration
- Data fabric
- Data field
- Data flow model
- Data fusion
- Data governance
- Data governance framework
- Data hiding
- Data imputation
- Data in motion
- Data-in-transit encryption
- Data integration
- Data integrity
- Data intelligence
- Data key
- Data lake
- Data leakage
- Data link layer
- Data logging
- Data loss
- Data loss prevention
- Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
- Data manipulation language
- Data mapping
- Data marketplace
- Data masking
- Data matching
- Data mesh
- Data migration
- Data mining
- Data munging
- Data normalization
- Data packet
- Data partitioning
- Data pipelines
- Data plane
- Data poisoning
- Data preprocessing
- Data Privacy Day (DPD)
- Data processed
- Data product
- Data profiling
- Data protection
- Data protection act
- Data protection policy
- Data retrieval
- Data sanitization
- Data science
- Data science ethics
- Data scraping
- Data segregation
- Data source
- Data sovereignty
- Data standardization
- Data structure
- Data subject
- Data terminal equipment
- Data theft
- Data transfer
- Data transformation
- Data transmission
- Data type
- Data validation
- Data vaulting
- Data verification
- Data visualization
- Data warehouse
- Data wiping
- Data wrangling
- Database
- Database index
- Database management system
- Database partitioning
- Database replication
- Database report
- Database sharding
- Database transaction
- Datafication
- Dataframes
- Datagram
- Dataiku
- Datastore
- DDoS attack
- Dead-box forensics
- Debug symbols
- Debugging
- Deception technology
- Decimal
- Declaration
- Decoding
- Decryption
- Decryptor
- Dedicated IP
- Dedicated server
- Deep learning
- Deepfake
- Default gateway
- Default password
- Defense In-Depth
- Definition
- Defragmentation
- Delta rule
- Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
- Denary
- Denoising autoencoders
- Deobfuscate
- Dependency parsing
- Deprecation
- Descriptive statistics
- Destruction Of Service (DeOS)
- Device control
- Device driver
- DHCP proxy
- Dialer
- Dialog box
- Dialogue interface
- Dictionary attack
- Differential fault analysis attack
- Differential privacy
- Digest authentication
- Digital camera
- Digital certificate
- Digital data
- Digital dystopia
- Digital envelope
- Digital exhaust
- Digital fingerprint
- Digital Footprint
- Digital identity
- Digital Information
- Digital piracy
- Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
- Digital Signature Algorithm
- Digital switch
- Digital twin
- Digital versatile disc
- Digital watermarking
- Dimensionality reduction
- Direct-connection
- Direct memory access
- Directory traversal attack
- Dirty Bit
- Disassociation attack
- Discrete data
- Discretionary Access Control
- Disk defragmentation
- Disk storage
- Distance Vector
- Distorting proxy
- Distributed computing
- Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
- Distributed firewalls
- Distributed network
- Distributed system
- Diverse routing
- Divide and conquer algorithm
- DNA sequence
- DNS A record
- DNS AAAA record
- DNS amplification attack
- DNS attack
- DNS blocking
- DNS cache
- DNS client
- DNS cname record
- DNS encryption
- DNS failover
- DNS filtering
- DNS firewall
- DNS flushing
- DNS hijacking
- DNS hosting
- DNS load balancing
- DNS MX record
- DNS NS record
- DNS over HTTPS
- DNS over HTTPS (DoH)
- DNS over TLS (DoT)
- DNS port
- DNS propagation
- DNS proxy
- DNS PTR record
- DNS query
- DNS rebinding attack
- DNS record
- DNS redirection
- DNS redundancy
- DNS reflection attack
- DNS resolution
- DNS round-robin
- DNS server
- DNS sinkhole
- DNS SOA record
- DNS SPF record
- DNS SRV record
- DNS tunneling
- DNS TXT record
- DNS zone
- DNS zone transfer
- Docker
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- Document versioning
- Documentation
- Domain
- Domain admin
- Domain administrator privileges
- Domain controller
- Domain fluxing
- Domain hijacking
- Domain Name System (DNS)
- Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC)
- Domain shadowing
- Domain spoofing
- DomainKeys Identified Mail
- DOS attack
- Dotted decimal notation
- Double entry
- Double-precision floating-point format
- Download
- Downloader
- Downloader trojan
- Dox
- Doxxing
- DrDoS attack
- Dridex
- Drive-by attack
- Drive-by download
- Drive-by mining
- DRM-free
- Drop-down box
- Dropper
- Droppper
- Dual homed host
- Dumpster diving attack
- Dwell Time
- Dynamic analysis
- Dynamic DNS
- Dynamic IP
- Dynamic library
- Dynamic ports
- Dynamic website
- Dyreza
- E-government
- Eavesdropping
- Echo check
- Edge analytics
- Edge browser
- Edge caching
- Edge device
- Edge gateway
- Egosurfing
- Egress filtering
- Egress traffic
- Elastic IP address
- Electronic data interchange
- Electronic intelligence
- Electronic signature
- Electronic sports (eSports)
- Elliptic-curve cryptography
- ELMo
- Email attack
- Email bomb
- Email gateway
- Email hoax
- Email signature
- Email spoofing
- Email virus
- Embedded analytics
- Embedded intelligence
- Embedded software
- Emission security
- Emoticon
- Emotion recognition
- Emulator
- Encapsulating security payload
- Encoding
- Encrypted file transfer
- Encryption
- Encryption as a service
- Encryption key
- End-to-end encryption
- End-user
- Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
- Endpoint device
- Endpoint security
- Enterprise data hub
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
- Entity
- Entity embeddings
- Entity linking
- Erasure coding
- Erroneous data
- Error control
- Error correction code
- Error detection and correction
- Escrow Passwords
- EternalBlue
- EternalChampion
- EternalRomance
- Ethernet
- Ethical hacking
- ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)
- Even parity
- Event
- Event-driven architecture
- Event-driven programming
- Event log
- Evil maid attack
- Evil twin
- Evolutionary algorithms
- Evolutionary computation
- Evolutionary computing
- Exception handling
- Executable
- Executable and Link Format (ELF)
- Executable module
- Execution
- Execution plan (SQL)
- Existence Detection
- Exit node
- Expert system
- Exploit
- Exploit chain
- Exploit kit
- Exponential smoothing
- Expression
- Expression language injection
- Extended ACLs
- Extended Validation SSL Certificate (EV SSL)
- Extensibility
- Exterior gateway protocol
- External library
- Extraction
- Extranet
- Extreme data
- F1 score
- Face ID
- Facebook stalking
- Facial recognition
- Factory reset
- Failover
- Fake antivirus
- False flag
- Family
- Fast AI
- Fast flux
- FastAPI
- Fault injection attack
- Fault tolerance
- Fault-tolerant computer system
- Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD)
- Feasibility study
- Feature engineering
- Feature extraction
- Feature importance
- Feature scaling
- Feature selection
- Fetch execute cycle
- Few-shot learning
- Fiber Distributed Data Interface
- Fiber optic switch
- Fiber to the Node
- Field
- Fieldbus
- File allocation table
- File-based attack
- File-based database
- File binder
- File format
- File hash
- File hosting service
- File integrity monitoring
- File signature
- File type
- Fileless attacks
- Fileless malware
- Filename extension
- FileRepMalware
- Filter (software)
- Fine-tuning
- Fingerprinting
- Finite field
- FIPS compliance
- Firesheep
- Firewall
- Firewall rules
- Firewalls
- Firmware
- First-party cookie
- Flash cookies
- Flash memory
- Flask
- Flat file
- Flat file database
- Floating point arithmetic
- Flooder
- Flooding
- Flow routing
- Flowcharts
- Flux
- Foothold expansion
- Footprinting
- For loop
- Foreign key
- Fork bomb
- Form authentication
- Formal methods
- Formal verification
- Format check
- Format string attack
- Formjacking
- Forward compatibility
- Forward DNS
- Forward proxy
- Foundation models
- Four-way handshake
- Fragment overlap attack
- Framework
- Frape
- Fraud
- Free software
- Freedom of information
- Freeware
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- FTP proxy
- Full duplex
- Fullz
- Function as a Service (FaaS)
- Functional dependency
- Functional programming
- Game theory
- Gamification
- Garbage in garbage out
- Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO)
- Gateway server
- Gaussian mixture models
- Gaussian processes
- GB
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
- Generative AI
- Generic routing encapsulation
- Genomics
- Gensim
- Geo-blocking
- Geo proxing
- Geotagging
- GHOST bug
- GhostNet
- Ghostware
- Gigabit-interface-converter
- Gigabyte
- Global variable
- Globally unique identifier (GUID)
- Globbing
- Gnosticplayers
- Golden ticket attack
- Google dorking
- Gopher
- Government surveillance
- GPS jamming
- Gradient boosting
- Gradient descent
- GrandCrab
- Granularity
- Graph neural networks
- Graph theory
- Graphical user interface
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Graphics Interchange Format
- Gray hat hacker
- Graymail
- Green hat hacker
- Greylist
- Greyware
- Grid computing
- Grid search
- Griefing
- Group Policy
- Hackathon
- Hacker
- Hacking
- Hackintosh
- Hacktivism
- Hacktivist
- Half duplex
- Halt and Catch Fire
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- Hamming distance
- Handle
- Handshake protocol
- Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
- Hard link
- Hard problem
- Hard reboot
- Hard reset
- Hardening
- Hardware acceleration
- Hardware identification
- Hash chain
- Hash function
- Hash table
- Hash value
- Hashing
- Headless system
- Heap
- Heap spray
- Heap spraying
- Heapsort
- Heartbleed
- HermeticWiper
- Heterogeneous graph neural networks
- Heuristic analysis
- Heuristic virus
- Hexadecimal
- Hexdump
- Hibernation
- Hidden Markov models
- Hierarchical Bayesian models
- High anonymity proxy
- High level languages
- Hijacker
- Hoax
- Home server
- Homograph
- Homograph attack
- Homograph attacks
- Honeypot
- Hop count
- Host address
- Host-based firewall
- Host-based intrusion detection system
- Host-based solution
- Host Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS)
- Host security
- Host virtual machine
- Hosted Jupyter
- Hosted notebooks
- Hosting
- Hostname
- Hosts file
- Hot site
- Hot spare
- Hotlink
- HTML Injection
- HTML tag
- HTTP header
- HTTP parameter pollution
- HTTP proxy
- HTTPS proxy
- Hub and spoke network
- Hugging Face
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Human firewall
- Human-in-the-Loop
- Hybrid attack
- Hybrid computer
- Hybrid encryption
- Hybrid firewall
- Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP)
- Hybrid recommender systems
- Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
- Hyperautomation
- Hyperlink
- Hyperparameter tuning
- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
- I/O controller
- I2P
- Ice phishing
- Idempotence
- Identifier
- Identity and access management
- Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Identity cloning
- Identity fabric
- Identity orchestration
- Identity proofing
- Identity theft
- IEEE 802
- Image processing
- Image recognition
- Image spam
- Imbalanced data
- Imperative programming
- Impersonation attack
- Incident scope
- Incremental backups
- Incremental build model
- Independent component analysis
- Indexing strategies in SQL
- Indicator of Attack (IOA)
- Indicator of compromise
- Indicator of Compromise (IOC)
- Indicators of compromise
- Infection vector
- Inference attack
- Information architecture
- Information hiding
- Information management
- Information processing
- Information retrieval
- Information security policy
- Information space analysis
- Information Technology (IT)
- Information visualization
- Infotainment
- Infrared
- Ingress filtering
- Inheritance
- Initial access brokers
- Initial access brokers (IABs)
- Initialization vector
- Injection attacks
- Inline frame
- Input device
- Input layer
- Input mask
- Input/Output (I/O)
- Input validation attack
- Insecure deserialization
- Insertion attack
- Insertion sort
- Installcore
- Instruction cycle
- Integer
- Integer overflow
- Integrated circuit
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
- Integrated drive electronics
- Integrated service digital network
- Integration testing
- Integrity checking
- Intel Virtualization Technology
- Intellectual Property (IP)
- Intelligent agent
- Intelligent character recognition
- Intelligent cloud
- Intelligent network
- Intelligent web
- Interactive whiteboard
- Interception attacks
- Interconnection agreement
- Interface
- Interface message processor
- Interior gateway protocol
- Internal documentation
- Internationalized domain names (IDN)
- Internet
- Internet backbone
- Internet bot
- Internet Control Message Protocol
- Internet key exchange
- Internet of bodies
- Internet of Everything
- Internet of Medical Things
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Internet Protocol address
- Internet Protocol (IP)
- Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv6)
- Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv4)
- Internet routing
- Internet security
- Internet Service Provider (ISP)
- Internet streams
- Internet telephony
- Internet troll
- Internet worm
- Interpretability in machine learning
- Interpreter
- Interrupt
- Interrupt handler
- Intranet
- Intrusion detection system
- Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
- Invariant
- Inverse reinforcement learning
- iOS
- IoT botnet
- IoT gateway
- IoT middleware
- IP address
- IP address blocking
- IP Camera
- IP forwarding
- IP packet
- IP reputation
- IP surveillance
- IPv4
- IPv4 proxy
- IPv6 proxy
- Isolation Forest
- Iteration
- Label encoding
- Label smoothing
- LAN party
- Large language models
- Latency
- Latent dirichlet allocation
- Latent semantic analysis
- Lateral movement
- Lattice-based access control
- Layer 2 Forwarding protocol
- Layer 4 switch
- Layered Service Provider (LSP)
- LCD screen
- Leaf-spine architecture
- Leakware
- Leased line
- Least privilege
- Least privilege access
- Least Significant Bit
- LED screen
- Legacy system
- Lemmatization
- Length check
- Library (computing)
- Library routine
- LightGBM
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
- Linear discriminant analysis
- Linear-feedback shift register
- Linear regression
- Linear search
- Link encryption
- Link prediction
- Linked list
- Linker
- Linux
- List
- Living off the land attack
- Load balancer
- Load balancing router
- Loadable kernel modules
- Loader
- Local administrator privileges
- Local area connection
- Local Area Network (LAN)
- Local file inclusion
- Localhost
- Location intelligence
- Locky ransomware
- Log
- Log clipping
- Log file
- Log4Shell
- Logic bomb
- Logic error
- Logic programming
- Logical access
- Logical network
- Logical topology
- Logistic regression
- LOLBin
- Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
- Long-term evolution
- LonTalk
- LonWorks
- Loopback address
- Loopback plug
- Loss functions
- Lossless compression
- Lossy compression
- Low-code app
- Low latency
- Low level languages
- Luring attack
- Lurking
- MAC address
- Machine code
- Machine cycle
- Machine data
- Machine learning
- Machine Learning (ML)
- Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
- Machine Vision (MV)
- MacOS
- Macro
- Macro virus
- Madware
- Magecart
- Magnet link
- Magnetic storage
- Mail bomb
- Mail exchange record
- Main distribution frame
- Malicious code
- Malicious/Destructive payload
- Malspam
- Malvertising
- Malware
- Malware-as-a-service
- Malware obfuscation
- Man-in-the-Browser (MitB)
- Man-in-the-middle attack
- Man-in-the-Middle (MitM)
- Man trap
- Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
- Managed file transfer
- Managed Service Provider (MSP)
- Managed service provider platform
- Management information base
- Manchester encoding
- Mandatory access control
- Many-to-many
- Many-to-one
- MapReduce
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
- Masked language models
- Masquerade attack
- Master boot record
- Master Boot Record (MBR)
- Mathematical logic
- Matrix
- Max pooling
- Md5
- Mean shift clustering
- Media access control
- Media access unit
- Melissa virus
- Meltdown Vulnerability
- Memory
- Memory address register
- Memory allocation
- Memory cache
- Memory data register
- Memory dump
- Memory resident
- Merge sort
- Merkle tree
- Mesh networking
- Mesh node
- Message broker
- Message passing
- Message switching
- Meta-learning
- Metadata
- Metaflow
- MetaMask
- Metasploit
- Method
- Methodology
- Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
- Micro virtual machine
- Microphone
- Middelware
- MiFi
- Miner
- Minification
- Mitigation
- MITRE ATT&CK framework
- Mixed reality
- MLflow
- MLOps (Machine Learning Operations)
- MLOps platforms
- Mobile ad hoc network
- Mobile code
- Mobile credential
- Mobile malware
- Mobile network operator
- Mobile proxy
- Mobile responsive
- Mobile security
- Model drift
- Model evaluation
- Model monitoring
- Modem
- Money mule
- Monitoring software
- Monoculture
- Monte Carlo simulation
- Morris worm
- Most Significant Bit (MSB)
- Mouse
- Moves adds and changes
- Mozilla Firefox browser
- MP3
- MP4
- Muling
- Multi-Dimensional OLAP (MOLAP)
- Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
- Multi-homed
- Multi-table join
- Multi-tenancy
- Multicast router
- Multilabel classification
- Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)
- Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
- Multimodal learning
- Multimodal pre-training
- Multiplatform
- Multitask learning
- Mumblehard malware
- Mutual exclusion
- N-grams
- Naive bayes
- Name resolution
- Named Entity Recognition (NER)
- NAND logic gate
- Narrowband
- NAT traversal
- National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- National Security Agency (NSA)
- Natural Language Generation (NLG)
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Near-Field Communication (NFC)
- Net neutrality
- Netflow
- Netiquette
- Netmask
- Netsplit
- Netwalker ransomware
- Network
- Network access control
- Network adapter
- Network administrator
- Network based ids
- Network bottleneck
- Network bridge
- Network configuration management
- Network congestion
- Network connectivity
- Network convergence
- Network database
- Network degradation
- Network Detection and Response
- Network encryption
- Network forensics
- Network frame
- Network function virtualization
- Network hub
- Network ID
- Network information system
- Network infrastructure
- Network intelligence
- Network interface card
- Network intrusion protection system
- Network layer
- Network Management System
- Network node manager
- Network perimeter
- Network port
- Network prefix
- Network processor
- Network resilience
- Network scanning
- Network security protocols
- Network segment
- Network segmentation
- Network service provider
- Network sniffing
- Network tap
- Network throughput
- Network Time Protocol
- Network topology
- Network traffic analysis
- Neural networks
- NewTab
- Next Generation Antivirus (NGAV)
- Next hop
- Nmap
- Node
- Nominal data
- Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF)
- Non-Volatile
- Nonce
- Nonlinearity
- NOR logic gate
- Nord name
- Normal data
- Normalization
- Normalization in Data Preprocessing
- Northbound interface southbound interface
- Not-a-virus
- NOT logic gate
- NTP amplification attack
- Nuker
- Null authentication
- Null session
- Number theory
- Numerical analysis
- Numerical method
- NumPy
- Oauth
- Obfuscation
- Object
- Object code
- Object detection
- Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD)
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Object recognition
- ODBC connection
- Odd parity
- Offensive security
- Offline Attack
- OGNL injection
- OLAP database
- One-hot encoding
- One-shot learning
- One-time password
- One-to-one
- One-way encryption
- Onion domain
- Online data storage
- Open port
- Open-Source Software (OSS)
- Open system
- Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
- OpenAI Five
- OpenSSL
- Opera browser
- Operating System (OS)
- Operational AI
- Operational level agreement
- Operational technology
- Opportunistic attack
- Optical character recognition
- Optical fiber
- Optical line terminal
- Optical storage
- Optimization algorithms
- OR logic gate
- Ordinal data
- Ordinal regression
- OS
- OSI Layer
- Out-of-distribution detection
- Outlier detection
- Output device
- Overfitting in machine learning
- Overlay network
- Overrun
- Owasp
- P-value
- Packer
- Packet capture
- Packet coalescing
- Packet filtering
- Packet loss
- Packet sniffer
- Packet sniffing
- Packet switched network
- Packet switching
- PageRank
- Pair programming
- Pandas
- Pandas profiling
- Parallel computing
- Parallel data transmission
- Parallel processing
- Parameter
- Paraphrasing
- Parental controls
- Parity check
- Parquet
- Parser
- Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging
- Pass the hash
- Passcode
- Passive attack
- Passive surveillance
- Passphrase
- Password
- Password authentication protocol
- Password cracking
- Password cracking application
- Password guessing
- Password manager
- Password policy
- Password protection
- Password salting
- Password sniffer
- Password spraying
- Password vault
- Passwordless
- Patch
- Patch management
- Patch management software
- Pattern recognition
- Payload
- PayPal
- PC
- PCI bus
- Peer-to-peer
- Peer-to-Peer Network
- Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
- Peering
- Penetration testing
- Peopleware
- Perceptron
- Perimeter security
- Peripheral
- Peripheral device
- Permalink
- Persistent cookie
- Personal area network
- Personal firewall
- Personal identifiable information
- Personal Identification Number (PIN)
- Personal VPN
- Personal web server
- Personally Identifiable Data
- Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
- PGP Encryption
- Pharma
- Pharming
- Phase-shift keying
- Phishing
- Phishing attack
- Phishing kit
- Phlashing
- PHP injection
- Phreaking
- Physical address
- Physical layer
- Piggybacking
- Ping
- Ping of death
- Ping sweep
- Pipeline
- Pirated software
- Pivot table
- Plagiarism
- Plaintext
- Platform
- Platform security
- Plotly
- Plugin
- Point of presence
- Point-of-Sale (PoS) malware
- Point-to-point protocol
- Pointer
- Polymorphic malware
- Polymorphic virus
- Polymorphism
- Polynomial regression
- Port address translation
- Port knocking
- Port mirroring
- Port scanning
- Port triggering
- Portable computer
- Portable device
- Portable Executable (PE) file header
- Portal application
- Post-quantum cryptography
- Postcondition
- Potentially unwanted application
- Poweliks
- Power distribution unit
- Power over internet
- Power usage effectiveness
- Power user
- PowerShell
- Pre-trained language models
- Precision
- Precondition
- Predictive analytics
- Predictive data mining
- Preemption
- Preinstalled software
- Presence check
- Presentation layer
- Pretexting
- Primary key
- Primary storage
- Primitive data type
- Priority queue
- Privacy policy
- Private internet access
- Private IP
- Private proxy
- Priveleged account
- Privilege escalation
- Privileged access workstation
- Proactive defense
- Procedural programming
- Process hollowing
- Professional Service Automation (PSA)
- Program counter
- Program lifecycle phase
- Programming language
- Programming language implementation
- Programming language theory
- Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
- Prolog
- Promiscuous mode
- Proof of concept
- Prophet
- Proprietary information
- Proprietary software
- Protector
- Protocol
- Protocol conversion
- Protocol stack
- Proxifier
- Proximal policy optimization
- Proxy
- Proxy list
- Proxy server
- Proxy servers
- Proxy service
- Proxy surfing
- Pseudocode
- Pseudonym
- Pseudonymization
- PsExec
- Public domain software
- Public IP
- Public key infrastructure
- Public proxy
- Punycode
- PvE
- PvP
- Pyro
- PySpark
- Python
- PyTorch
- PyTorch Lightning
- R programming language
- R-squared
- Race condition
- Radix
- Rainbow table attack
- RAM scraping
- Random access memory
- Random Access Memory (RAM)
- Random forests
- Random sample
- Range check
- Ransomware
- Ransomware-as-a-service
- Raw data
- Ray
- RC4
- RC5
- Real-time communications
- Real time computing
- Real-time data
- Recall
- Recommendation engine
- Recon
- Reconnaissance
- Record
- Recovery mode
- Recovery time objective
- Recurrent neutral network
- Recursion
- Recursive Common Table Expressions (CTEs)
- Red hat hacker
- Red team
- RedHack
- Redundancy
- Redundant hardware
- Reference
- Reference counting
- Referential integrity
- Register
- Regression
- Regression testing
- Regularization (L1, L2)
- Regularized greedy forest
- Relational database
- Relational OLAP
- Relay server
- Reliability engineering
- Remediation
- Remote access
- Remote access server
- Remote access trojan
- Remote Administration Tool (RAT)
- Remote attack
- Remote Code Execution (RCE) attack
- Remote computer
- Remote desktop
- Remote desktop protocol
- Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
- Remote device
- Remote monitoring and management
- Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM)
- Remote outdoor router
- Remote procedure call
- Remote shell
- Remote user
- Repeater
- Replay attack
- Request for Comments
- Requirements analysis
- Resident virus
- Residential proxy
- Residual risk
- Resource exhaustion
- Response time
- Responsive design
- Retrovirus
- Reverse brute-force attack
- Reverse DNS
- Reverse engineering
- Reverse Proxy
- REvil ransomware
- RF Jamming
- RFC1918
- RFID blocking
- RFID tag
- Rich internet application
- Rijndael
- Ring network
- Risk assessment
- Risk-based access control
- Risk modeling
- Risk monitoring
- Risktool
- Riskware
- Robocall
- Robotics
- Rogue access point
- Rogue device
- Rogue security software
- Rogueware
- Rollback
- Root access
- Root of trust
- Root server
- Root user
- Rooting
- Rootkit
- Rotating proxy
- Round-off error
- Round Robin DNS
- Round trip time
- Route summarization
- Router
- Routing information protocol
- Routing loop
- Routing table
- Rowhammer
- Rubber duck debugging
- Run time
- Run time error
- RunPE technique
- Ryuk ransomware
- S/Key
- S3 bucket
- SaaS
- Safe mode
- Salami fraud
- Salting
- Sampling techniques
- Sandbox escape
- Sandbox gaming
- Sandbox solution
- Sandboxing
- Scala
- Scam
- Scanner
- Scanning attack
- Scareware
- Scatternet
- Schema
- Scikit-learn
- Screen lock
- Screen scraper
- Screen scraping
- Screened subnet firewall
- Screenlocker
- Script Kiddie
- Scunthorpe problem
- Search algorithm
- Search neutrality
- Seasonal Decomposition of a Time Series (STL)
- SECaaS
- Secondary storage
- Secret key
- Secure boot
- Secure coding
- Secure connection
- Secure cookie
- Secure destruction
- Secure Electronic Transactions
- Secure enclave
- Secure erase
- Secure Print
- Secure Shell
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
- Security assessment
- Security audit
- Security automation
- Security certificate
- Security domain
- Security event management
- Security hardening
- Security identifier
- Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
- security operations center
- Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR)
- Security persimeter
- Security policy
- Security software
- Security through diversity
- Security token
- Seed
- Segment routing
- Selection sort
- Selection statement
- Self-destructing email
- Self-supervised learning
- Semantic Parsing
- Semantic role labeling
- Semantics
- Semi-structured data
- Semi-supervised learning
- Sensitive information
- Sensor
- Sentiment analysis
- Separation of duties
- Sequence
- Sequence-to-Sequence models (Seq2Seq)
- Sequence transduction
- SerDes
- Serial data transmission
- Serial Port
- Serial server
- Serializability
- Serialization
- Server
- Server hosting
- Server Message Block
- Server Message Block (SMB)
- Server redundancy
- Server-side scripting
- Server virtualization
- Serverless
- Service layer
- Service-level agreement (SLA)
- Service pack
- Session cookie
- Session fixation attack
- Session hijacking
- Session key
- Session layer
- Set
- SFTP server
- Shadow copy
- Shadow Password Files
- Shadowsocks
- Shamoon
- Shared hosting
- Shared IP
- Shared proxy
- Shared resources
- Shared storage
- Sharenting
- Shareware
- Sharking
- Shellcode
- Shimming
- Shodan search engine
- Shoulder surfing
- Shylock
- Side-channel attack
- Sidejacking
- Sideloading
- Signaling gateway
- Signals analysis
- Signature
- Signature verification
- Sim toolkit
- Similarity metrics
- SIMjacking
- Simplex
- Singleton variable
- SIP proxy
- Site survey
- Skimming
- Skimming attack
- Smart bulb
- Smart card
- Smart contract
- Smart grid
- Smart home
- Smart meter
- Smishing
- SMS phishing (Smishing)
- Smurf attack
- Smurfing
- Snake malware
- Snowflake
- Snowshoe spam
- SOC as a service
- Social engineering
- Social networks
- SOCKS proxy
- SOCKS5 proxy
- Soft computing
- Soft copy
- Softlifting
- Software
- Software agent
- Software-as-a-Service
- Software assurance
- Software construction
- Software-defined networking
- Software delivery layer
- Software deployment
- Software design
- Software development
- Software Development Kit (SDK)
- Software development process
- Software engineering
- Software maintenance
- Software package
- Software piracy
- Software prototyping
- Software repository
- Software requirements specification
- Software testing
- Software vulnerability
- Solid state
- Solid State Drive (SSD)
- Sorting algorithm
- Source code
- Source code analysis tool
- spaCy
- Spam
- Spambot
- Spamming
- Spear phishing
- Spectre vulnerability
- Spiral model
- Split DNS
- Spoofing attack
- Spooling
- Spyeye
- Spyware
- SQL injection
- SQL injection scanner
- SQL injection tool
- SSL certificate
- SSL Encryption
- SSL stripping attack
- Stack
- Stack smashing
- Staging server
- Stalkerware
- Stateful firewall
- Stateful inspection
- Statement
- Static code analysis
- Static data
- Static IP
- Static NAT
- Static routing
- Stealth virus
- Stealth VPN
- Steganalysis
- Steganography
- Stemming in Natural Language Processing
- Sticky bit
- Sticky session
- Stochastic gradient descent
- Stopword removal
- Storage
- Storage area network server
- Storage capacity
- Storage over Internet Protocol
- Stream
- Stream cipher
- Streaming Network Telemetry
- Stress testing
- Strict SSL
- String
- Strong authentication
- Structured prediction
- Structured storage
- Stub network
- STUN Server
- Subnet
- Subnetting
- Subroutine
- Subtyping
- Super cookie
- Superkey
- Supernetting
- Superuser
- Supply-chain attack
- Suspicious activity
- Svchost.exe
- Switching fabric
- Switching loop
- Sybil attack
- Symbian
- Symbian malware
- Symbolic computation
- Symmetric encryption
- Symmetric key authentication
- Synchronization
- Synchronous data transmission
- Synchronous optical networking
- Syntax
- Syntax error
- Synthetic data
- Synthetic identity theft
- Sysinternals
- Sysmon
- System console
- System file
- System integrity protection
- System migration
- System on a Chip (SoC)
- System optimizer
- System security
- T-test
- Tab separated values
- Table
- Table view
- Tabnabbing
- TabNet
- Taint analysis
- Targeted attack
- Targeted attacks
- Tarpitting
- TCP handshake
- TCP reset attack
- Teacher forcing
- Tech support scam
- Technical documentation
- Telecommunications equipment
- Telegram
- Telnet
- TEMPEST shielding
- Template injection
- Tensorflow
- Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)
- Terminal adapter
- Terminal emulation
- Terminal master key
- Terminal node controller
- TeslaCrypt
- Tethering
- Text data mining
- Text generation
- Text summarization
- Text-to-Image synthesis
- The kill chain
- The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT)
- Thick client
- Third-generation programming language