Proxy for is a platform providing unique identifiers to researchers, allowing for correct attribution and record-keeping of scholarly work. Proxies can be used on the site to automatically update researchers' records, gather data, and simplify data processing tasks, facilitated by the platform's OAuth 2.0 authorization protocol. OneProxy, a proxy server provider, enables efficient and secure proxy usage on, allowing institutions and researchers to manage multiple ORCID records simultaneously and securely. For more information, visit the ORCID website.

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Addresses CNNIC 3539 ms 7701 Kbps 100% 3 min 36188 SOCKS4, SOCKS5 Unknown
United States
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Help Internet 4426 ms 2394 Kbps 88% 5 min
1 - 20 entries out of 5099

Generating proxy list... 0%

Frequently Asked Questions About Proxies for is a non-profit platform that provides unique digital identifiers, known as ORCID iDs, to researchers and scholars globally. This assists in resolving name ambiguity in scholarly work by attributing works correctly. It also serves as a central hub for researchers to keep a record of their scholarly activities, affiliations, and achievements.

A proxy server on can automatically update a researcher’s record and facilitate data processing tasks. Organizations can use proxies to update the profiles of their researchers, ensuring the latest research outputs are always up-to-date. Proxies can also gather data from various academic services used by researchers, creating a more integrated research workflow. supports proxy use via OAuth 2.0, a standard authorization protocol. Users can grant access to their ORCID record to a proxy server via their account settings, and the proxy server can then interact with the user’s record via the ORCID API.

OneProxy provides secure, high-performance proxies that can interface with the ORCID API. It enables institutions and researchers to manage multiple ORCID records simultaneously, while maintaining secure transactions and anonymity. It also offers customer support for troubleshooting any proxy-related issues on

You can find more information about ORCID and its proxy use on the official ORCID website. For detailed information on ORCID’s use of OAuth 2.0, you can refer to their OAuth FAQ. Their API tutorial provides more information on using the ORCID API with proxies.

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We provide a wide range of proxy servers around the world. Our extensive network spans many countries and regions, allowing you to efficiently and effectively collect data tailored to the geographic requirements of your scraping projects.

Africa (51)
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The Purpose and Utility of Proxy Servers on is a non-profit organization that provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) to researchers and scholars worldwide. This identifier is unique to each individual, helping to resolve the issue of name ambiguity in scholarly work. This ensures that researchers’ work is appropriately attributed to them and not confused with the work of others. The platform also serves as a hub for researchers to keep a record of their scholarly activities, affiliations, and achievements.

Proxy Tasks on

A proxy server for can serve multiple purposes, and it can prove invaluable in specific scenarios. Firstly, it can facilitate the automatic updating of a researcher’s record. By using a proxy server, organizations like universities, research institutions, and publishers can directly update the profiles of their associated researchers. This ensures that the latest research outputs are always up to date on the platform.

Secondly, a proxy server can be used to automate and simplify certain data processing tasks. For example, researchers often use multiple services like academic databases, literature management tools, and others in their research workflow. A proxy server can help gather data from these services, facilitating a seamless and integrated workflow.

Using a Proxy on

The website provides support for the use of proxies in the form of OAuth 2.0. This is a standard protocol for authorization that allows an application (like a proxy server) to access a user’s ORCID iD and record on their behalf.

To use a proxy on, the user must first grant the proxy access to their ORCID record. This can be done through the settings on the user’s ORCID account. The user can specify the level of access they wish to grant, such as read access, update access, or full control.

Once the access has been granted, the proxy server can then use the ORCID API to interact with the user’s ORCID record. This allows the proxy to perform tasks such as updating the record, fetching data, or integrating with other services on behalf of the user.

Leveraging OneProxy for Proxies on

OneProxy, a reliable server proxy provider, can play a pivotal role in making the use of proxies on more efficient and robust. It provides high-performance, secure, and anonymous proxies that can smoothly interface with the ORCID API.

By leveraging OneProxy’s services, institutions and researchers can manage multiple ORCID records simultaneously without dealing with IP-based rate limiting issues. Additionally, OneProxy’s service ensures secure transactions by maintaining anonymity and avoiding the risk of data theft.

Finally, OneProxy provides customer support to help researchers or institutions troubleshoot any issues they may encounter when using their proxy servers with This ensures that the use of proxies to enhance functionality is as smooth and efficient as possible.

Additional Resources

For more information, please visit the official ORCID website. For a more in-depth understanding of how ORCID uses OAuth 2.0, refer to their OAuth FAQ. To learn more about using the ORCID API with proxies, visit their API tutorial.


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