Proxy for SpiraTest

Enhance SpiraTest with Proxies: Optimize Testing, Boost Security & Global Reach. Discover the Benefits of Proxy Integration with OneProxy.

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Choose and Buy Proxies

Best selling proxies

Mix: World 500 IP

500 proxy servers with IPs from all over the world


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
USA 500 IP

500 proxy servers with USA IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Rotating: 5M Requests

5 Million requests
New IP for each request


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
UK 500 IP

500 proxy servers with UK IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
China 500 IP

500 proxy servers with China IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Brazil 1000 IP

1000 proxy servers with Brazil IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Mix: World 1000 IP

1000 proxy servers with IPs from all over the world


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Mix: Europe 3000 IP

3000 proxy servers with IP addresses of European countries


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Mix: America 1000 IP

1000 proxy servers with IP addresses of North American countries


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours

Free Proxies for SpiraTest

The list of checked free public proxy servers for SpiraTest is updated every hour.

Danger of using public proxies

99% of proxies from this list do not support loading sites via HTTPS protocol. In addition, their use is unsafe! We collect these proxies from open sources and are not responsible for their performance. If you need high-quality proxies for scraping and other purposes, use our offer of static or rotating proxies. Using these proxy servers you will get unlimited traffic and fast speed. You can also try our fast proxies for 1 hour absolutely free!

Get a 1 Hour Trial

Proxies online: 4154

IP Address Port Protocols Anonymity Country / City ISP Latency Speed Uptime Last Checked 3128 HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 Unknown
Singapore, Inc. 979 ms 8000 Kbps 100% 0 min 2222 HTTP Anonymous
China Mobile communications corporation 4207 ms 5177 Kbps 64% 0 min 9005 HTTP Elite
EDIS GmbH 283 ms 5723 Kbps 87% 0 min 80 HTTP, SOCKS4 Anonymous
Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co., Ltd. 4566 ms 2170 Kbps 88% 0 min 4153 SOCKS4 Anonymous
SWAN, a.s. 2094 ms 799 Kbps 17% 0 min 80 HTTP Anonymous
Societe Francaise Du Radiotelephone - SFR SA 201 ms 4990 Kbps 39% 0 min 80 HTTP, SOCKS4 Anonymous
Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co 3459 ms 7879 Kbps 100% 0 min 53281 HTTP Anonymous
FPT Telecom Company 4204 ms 621 Kbps 64% 0 min 8080 HTTP Elite
Deceret Cia. Ltda. 3242 ms 8066 Kbps 16% 1 min 8080 HTTP Elite
PT. TELKOM INDONESIA 3127 ms 4491 Kbps 16% 1 min 5678 SOCKS4 Anonymous
Jakarta Pusat
PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia 3097 ms 3980 Kbps 27% 1 min 8080 HTTP, SOCKS4 Anonymous
Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co., Ltd. 4475 ms 5642 Kbps 100% 1 min 4000 HTTP, SOCKS4 Anonymous
Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co 4461 ms 5993 Kbps 100% 1 min 8080 HTTP, SOCKS4 Anonymous
Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co., Ltd. 4477 ms 6979 Kbps 100% 1 min 9080 HTTP, SOCKS4 Anonymous
Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co 4539 ms 2181 Kbps 52% 1 min 1080 SOCKS4, SOCKS5 Anonymous
Akamai Technologies, Inc. 234 ms 4318 Kbps 88% 1 min 8080 HTTP Anonymous
Phnom Penh
ANGKOR E & C (CAMBODIA) Co., Ltd. 919 ms 5869 Kbps 28% 1 min 80 HTTP Unknown
PT IndoInternet 819 ms 8762 Kbps 76% 1 min 8080 HTTP Elite
PT Ring Media Nusantara 2255 ms 1430 Kbps 3% 2 min 10000 HTTP Elite
Villa Ángela
Interret Villa Angela SRL 4241 ms 7407 Kbps 4% 2 min
1 - 20 entries out of 4154

Generating proxy list... 0%

Frequently Asked Questions about SpiraTest Proxy

SpiraTest is a comprehensive test management tool that streamlines software testing processes. It helps teams plan, execute, and track tests, manage defects, and generate custom reports. Its workflow involves test planning, execution, defect tracking, reporting, and integration with other tools.

Proxies enhance SpiraTest by offering benefits such as geographical testing, load testing, IP rotation, security, and bypassing restrictions. They simulate diverse user experiences, improve security, and help with testing various scenarios effectively.

Free proxies are often unreliable, pose security risks, have limited geographical diversity, and impose rate limits. Using them can hinder testing efforts and compromise data security.

Consider residential, data center, mobile, or rotating IPs. Residential proxies offer genuine IP addresses, while data center proxies are cost-effective. Mobile proxies are ideal for mobile app testing, and rotating IPs ensure diversity in testing scenarios.

To configure a proxy server for SpiraTest, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a reputable proxy provider like OneProxy.
  2. Obtain proxy credentials (IP address, port, username, password) from the provider.
  3. Configure SpiraTest settings with the provided proxy details.
  4. Conduct a test run to verify the configuration.
  5. Monitor and maintain the proxy server for optimal performance during testing operations.
Datacenter Proxies
Shared Proxies

A huge number of reliable and fast proxy servers.

Starting at$0.06 per IP
Rotating Proxies
Rotating Proxies

Unlimited rotating proxies with a pay-per-request model.

Starting at$0.0001 per request
Private Proxies
UDP Proxies

Proxies with UDP support.

Starting at$0.4 per IP
Private Proxies
Private Proxies

Dedicated proxies for individual use.

Starting at$5 per IP
Unlimited Proxies
Unlimited Proxies

Proxy servers with unlimited traffic.

Starting at$0.06 per IP

Free Trial Proxy Package

Try our proxies absolutely free!

We provide a small package of 50-70 proxy servers in various locations for testing proxy speed and availability.

You can use the provided proxy package within an hour from the moment of issue.

UChoose the package you need, pay the invoice and test the proxies for 24 hours. If the proxies do not suit you for any reason, we will fully refund the money to your account or to your balance for ordering new services.
Get Free Proxy Trial
Free Trial Proxy

Location of Our Proxy Servers

We provide a wide range of proxy servers around the world. Our extensive network spans many countries and regions, allowing you to efficiently and effectively collect data tailored to the geographic requirements of your scraping projects.

Africa (51)
Asia (58)
Europe (47)
North America (28)
Oceania (7)
South America (14)

What is SpiraTest?

What is SpiraTest Used for and How Does it Work?

SpiraTest is a powerful test management and quality assurance solution designed to streamline and optimize the software testing process. It serves as a central hub for planning, executing, and tracking software testing activities, making it an indispensable tool for software development teams. Here’s an overview of what SpiraTest is used for and how it works:

SpiraTest’s Key Functions:

  1. Test Case Management: SpiraTest allows you to create, organize, and manage test cases efficiently. Test cases are essential for systematically evaluating the functionality and performance of your software.

  2. Test Execution: You can execute test cases directly within SpiraTest, making it easy to record test results and track progress. This feature simplifies the testing process and ensures that all test cases are consistently executed.

  3. Defect Tracking: SpiraTest provides a robust defect tracking system, enabling you to log and prioritize issues discovered during testing. This feature helps teams identify and resolve problems quickly.

  4. Requirement Traceability: SpiraTest offers traceability features that link test cases to specific requirements. This ensures that every aspect of your software is thoroughly tested, meeting the project’s specifications.

  5. Custom Reporting: The tool includes a reporting engine that allows you to create customized reports and dashboards, providing insights into testing progress and quality metrics.

  6. Integration Capabilities: SpiraTest seamlessly integrates with popular development and testing tools, such as JIRA, Selenium, and Jenkins, enhancing collaboration and automation.

How SpiraTest Works:

SpiraTest operates on a straightforward workflow:

  1. Test Planning: Define your testing objectives, create test cases, and assign them to team members.

  2. Test Execution: Testers execute the test cases, recording their results within the platform.

  3. Defect Tracking: When issues are identified, they are logged in SpiraTest and linked to the respective test cases and requirements.

  4. Reporting: SpiraTest generates detailed reports and dashboards, providing real-time insights into the testing process.

  5. Integration: Integration with other tools streamlines workflows and enhances automation.

Why Do You Need a Proxy for SpiraTest?

In the context of software testing, proxy servers can play a pivotal role in ensuring efficient and effective testing processes. Here’s why you might need a proxy for SpiraTest:

Advantages of Using a Proxy with SpiraTest:

  1. Geographical Testing: SpiraTest can benefit from using proxy servers with different geographical locations. This is particularly useful when testing software that needs to perform well in various regions. By routing your testing traffic through proxies in different locations, you can simulate user experiences from around the world.

  2. Load Testing: For load testing, proxies enable you to distribute the test load across multiple IP addresses, preventing overloading your network and ensuring accurate performance measurements.

  3. IP Rotation: Proxies allow you to rotate IP addresses during testing, mimicking real-world scenarios where users might access your software from different devices or locations. This helps uncover potential issues related to IP-based restrictions or rate limiting.

  4. Security and Anonymity: Proxies can enhance security by masking your actual IP address during testing. This can be crucial when testing against services that have strict security measures or when you need to protect sensitive data.

  5. Bypassing Restrictions: In cases where you need to access external resources for testing (e.g., APIs), proxies can help bypass IP restrictions or rate limits imposed by third-party services.

What Are the Сons of Using Free Proxies for SpiraTest?

While free proxies may seem tempting, they often come with significant drawbacks that can impact your testing efforts:

Cons of Free Proxies Explanation
Unreliability Free proxies are often unreliable, with frequent downtime and slow performance.
Security Risks Using free proxies can expose your data to security risks, as you have limited control over them.
Limited Locations Free proxies offer limited geographical diversity, limiting your testing capabilities.
Rate Limiting Many free proxies impose rate limits, which can hinder your testing and data collection efforts.

What Are the Best Proxies for SpiraTest?

Choosing the right proxies for SpiraTest is crucial to maximize the benefits of your testing efforts. Consider the following options:

Proxy Type Advantages Considerations
Residential Offers genuine IP addresses from real households. Limited availability; may be expensive.
Data Center Cost-effective and widely available. Some websites may detect and block data center IPs.
Mobile Ideal for mobile app testing; simulates mobile device traffic. Limited IP pool; can be pricey.
Rotating IPs Ensures IP rotation for diverse testing scenarios. May require proxy rotation management.

How to Configure a Proxy Server for SpiraTest?

Configuring a proxy server for SpiraTest is a straightforward process. Follow these general steps:

  1. Select a Proxy Provider: Choose a reputable proxy service provider like OneProxy, ensuring they offer the type of proxies you need for your testing requirements.

  2. Acquire Proxy Credentials: Obtain the necessary proxy credentials (IP address, port, username, password) from your chosen provider.

  3. Configure SpiraTest: In the SpiraTest settings, locate the proxy configuration section and enter the provided proxy details.

  4. Test Your Configuration: Before starting your testing process, conduct a test run to ensure the proxy server is correctly configured and functioning as expected.

  5. Monitor and Maintain: Regularly monitor the proxy server’s performance and make any necessary adjustments to ensure smooth testing operations.

In conclusion, SpiraTest is a versatile testing management tool that can significantly benefit from the use of proxy servers. By strategically leveraging proxies, you can enhance your testing capabilities, improve testing accuracy, and achieve more comprehensive test coverage. However, it’s essential to choose the right type of proxy and configure it properly to harness these advantages effectively. Consider the specific needs of your testing project and select a proxy solution that aligns with your goals.


Here are some testimonials from our clients about our services.
Ready to use our proxy servers right now?
from $0.06 per IP