Proxy for Ibibo

Ibibo is a social networking service that originated in India. It started as a platform for connecting users via chat, e-mail, and gaming services.

Ibibo Logo

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Best selling proxies

Mix: World 500 IP

500 proxy servers with IPs from all over the world


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
USA 500 IP

500 proxy servers with USA IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Rotating: 5M Requests

5 Million requests
New IP for each request


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
UK 500 IP

500 proxy servers with UK IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
China 500 IP

500 proxy servers with China IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Brazil 1000 IP

1000 proxy servers with Brazil IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Mix: World 1000 IP

1000 proxy servers with IPs from all over the world


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Mix: Europe 3000 IP

3000 proxy servers with IP addresses of European countries


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Mix: America 1000 IP

1000 proxy servers with IP addresses of North American countries


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours

Free Proxies for Ibibo

The list of checked free public proxy servers for Ibibo is updated every hour.

Danger of using public proxies

99% of proxies from this list do not support loading sites via HTTPS protocol. In addition, their use is unsafe! We collect these proxies from open sources and are not responsible for their performance. If you need high-quality proxies for scraping and other purposes, use our offer of static or rotating proxies. Using these proxy servers you will get unlimited traffic and fast speed. You can also try our fast proxies for 1 hour absolutely free!

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Proxies online: 4164

IP Address Port Protocols Anonymity Country / City ISP Latency Speed Uptime Last Checked 999 HTTP Elite
Grupo Metrowan Telecom SPA 4212 ms 3673 Kbps 100% 0 min 999 HTTP Elite
Telefonica del Peru 4208 ms 7307 Kbps 28% 0 min 80 HTTP, SOCKS4 Anonymous
Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co 4562 ms 7833 Kbps 100% 0 min 8080 HTTP Elite
Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited 4224 ms 2470 Kbps 88% 0 min 8080 HTTP Elite
United States
DedFiberCo 3105 ms 7132 Kbps 52% 0 min 8082 HTTP Anonymous
Telefonica del Peru S.A.A. 532 ms 9900 Kbps 19% 0 min 8080 HTTP Elite
PT Media Akses Telematika 1024 ms 5022 Kbps 76% 0 min 8088 HTTP Elite
Duren Tiga
PT Indo Telemedia Solusi 3160 ms 309 Kbps 76% 0 min 1080 HTTP Elite
PT Giga Digital Nusantara 4212 ms 7736 Kbps 25% 0 min 3333 HTTP, SOCKS4 Anonymous
Alibaba Cloud (Singapore) Private Limited 4598 ms 8194 Kbps 52% 0 min 31008 SOCKS4 Anonymous
United States
Los Angeles
Spectrum 3636 ms 218 Kbps 40% 0 min 8080 HTTP Anonymous
United States
Alibaba Cloud LLC 3445 ms 3965 Kbps 100% 0 min 999 HTTP Elite
AGIS 3960 ms 1837 Kbps 61% 0 min 8080 HTTP Elite
Biznet Networks 4965 ms 6244 Kbps 52% 0 min 3128 HTTP Elite
Hetzner Online GmbH 3127 ms 136 Kbps 28% 0 min 3128 HTTP Elite
Hetzner Online GmbH 1045 ms 2269 Kbps 64% 0 min 8080 HTTP Elite
TLINK 4525 ms 566 Kbps 76% 0 min 8081 HTTP Elite
Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. 4211 ms 3030 Kbps 64% 0 min 8080 HTTP Elite
Hong Kong
PCCW IMSBiz 1239 ms 9628 Kbps 64% 0 min 4153 SOCKS4 Anonymous
Bangladesh Telegraph & Telephone Board 1934 ms 6374 Kbps 16% 0 min
1 - 20 entries out of 4164

Generating proxy list... 0%

Frequently Asked Questions about Ibibo Proxy

Ibibo is a social networking service that originated in India and has evolved to offer a diversified range of services. Apart from traditional social networking features like connecting with friends and sharing media, Ibibo also offers online gaming, e-commerce, ticketing services, and utility payments. This multifaceted approach sets it apart from other social media platforms which may focus solely on social interactions or specific services.

Proxy servers can offer a variety of functionalities when used in conjunction with Ibibo. They can help in geo-unlocking content, providing an extra layer of privacy by masking your IP address, balancing traffic to improve user experience, and aiding in data scraping for market analysis.

There are several advantages to using a proxy server with Ibibo:

  1. Access to Restricted Content: You can bypass geographical limitations to use exclusive services available in other regions.
  2. Enhanced Security: Proxy servers can help protect against unauthorized data interceptions.
  3. Improved Speed and Reliability: High-quality proxy servers can provide faster connections and lower latency.
  4. Anonymity: Using a proxy can hide your original location and identity.

While proxy servers offer numerous advantages, they also come with some potential pitfalls:

  1. Inconsistency: Cheap or unreliable proxies may provide unstable services.
  2. Data Leakage: Unsecure proxy servers could expose your sensitive information.
  3. Performance Lag: Some proxy services may reduce your connection speed.
  4. Account Blocking: Ibibo may suspend or block accounts suspected of misusing proxy services for illegal activities.

OneProxy offers numerous advantages that make it the best choice for Ibibo:

  • High-Speed Servers: Our data center servers ensure low latency and quick load times.
  • Uncompromising Security: We use state-of-the-art encryption technologies to secure your data.
  • Scalability: OneProxy provides a range of packages that can be tailored to both individual and business needs.
  • 24/7 Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support team is always available to assist with any issues you may encounter.

By choosing OneProxy, you can optimize your Ibibo experience, leveraging the full range of services while ensuring security, speed, and reliability.

Datacenter Proxies
Shared Proxies

A huge number of reliable and fast proxy servers.

Starting at$0.06 per IP
Rotating Proxies
Rotating Proxies

Unlimited rotating proxies with a pay-per-request model.

Starting at$0.0001 per request
Private Proxies
UDP Proxies

Proxies with UDP support.

Starting at$0.4 per IP
Private Proxies
Private Proxies

Dedicated proxies for individual use.

Starting at$5 per IP
Unlimited Proxies
Unlimited Proxies

Proxy servers with unlimited traffic.

Starting at$0.06 per IP

Free Trial Proxy Package

Try our proxies absolutely free!

We provide a small package of 50-70 proxy servers in various locations for testing proxy speed and availability.

You can use the provided proxy package within an hour from the moment of issue.

UChoose the package you need, pay the invoice and test the proxies for 24 hours. If the proxies do not suit you for any reason, we will fully refund the money to your account or to your balance for ordering new services.
Get Free Proxy Trial
Free Trial Proxy

Location of Our Proxy Servers

We provide a wide range of proxy servers around the world. Our extensive network spans many countries and regions, allowing you to efficiently and effectively collect data tailored to the geographic requirements of your scraping projects.

Africa (51)
Asia (58)
Europe (47)
North America (28)
Oceania (7)
South America (14)

The Interplay of Ibibo and Proxy Servers: Unleashing Potentials and Navigating Pitfalls

What is Ibibo?

Ibibo is a social networking service that originated in India. It started as a platform for connecting users via chat, e-mail, and gaming services. Over time, it expanded its reach to offer various services such as online ticketing, travel bookings, and other utility features. Although it may not be as globally recognized as some other social media giants, Ibibo has carved a unique niche, especially in the South Asian market.

In-depth Understanding of Ibibo

Launched in 2007, Ibibo was initially designed as a social interaction platform, allowing users to connect, share media, and engage in various online activities. It has since evolved to include functionalities like:

  • Social Networking: Connect with friends, family, and acquaintances.
  • Online Gaming: Various interactive games for entertainment.
  • E-commerce: Integrated shopping features.
  • Ticketing Services: Rail, flight, and bus ticket bookings.
  • Utility Payments: Pay utility bills through the platform.

Given its diversified services, Ibibo stands as a multi-functional platform that goes beyond the traditional definitions of social media or messenger services.

How Proxies Can Be Used in Ibibo

Utilizing a proxy server with Ibibo offers several advantages and opportunities for users. Here’s how:

  1. Geo-Unlocking: Some services within Ibibo might be geographically restricted. A proxy can help bypass these limitations.
  2. Enhanced Privacy: Proxies can mask your original IP address, offering an added layer of privacy.
  3. Traffic Balancing: Distributing requests across multiple servers can reduce load times and improve user experience.
  4. Data Scraping: For market analysis, data scraping through proxies can be invaluable, especially if Ibibo places limitations on data access.
Functionality Use of Proxy Benefit
Geo-Unlocking Bypass Restrictions Access full Ibibo services
Enhanced Privacy Mask IP Increased Security
Traffic Balancing Load Distribution Faster Responses
Data Scraping Bypass Limitations More Efficient Analysis

Reasons for Using a Proxy in Ibibo

The following are compelling reasons why you might want to employ a proxy while using Ibibo:

  • Access to Restricted Content: Overcome geographical barriers to access exclusive services.
  • Security: Protect yourself from unauthorized data interceptions.
  • Speed and Reliability: Benefit from faster connection and lower latency.
  • Anonymity: Hide your original location and identity for various strategic purposes.

Potential Problems When Using a Proxy in Ibibo

While using a proxy can offer many advantages, it also comes with some challenges:

  1. Inconsistency: Cheap or unreliable proxies may offer unstable services.
  2. Data Leakage: Unsecure proxies could expose sensitive information.
  3. Performance Lag: Some proxy services may slow down your connection.
  4. Account Blocking: Ibibo might block accounts that are suspected to misuse proxy services for spamming or other illegal activities.

Why OneProxy is the Best Choice for Ibibo

OneProxy stands as a cut above the rest when it comes to providing high-quality proxy servers. Here’s why:

  • High-Speed Servers: OneProxy’s data center servers assure low latency and quick load times.
  • Uncompromising Security: State-of-the-art encryption technologies ensure your data is always secure.
  • Scalability: OneProxy offers a range of packages tailored to individual or business needs.
  • 24/7 Customer Support: A dedicated team is always available to resolve any issues you may encounter.

With its robust features and unparalleled service, OneProxy is undoubtedly the best proxy server provider to optimize your Ibibo experience.


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Ready to use our proxy servers right now?
from $0.06 per IP