Proxy for AndFTP

Proxy servers offer a wide range of benefits, and it's important to highlight these advantages to potential clients.

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Choose and Buy Proxies

Best selling proxies

Mix: World 500 IP

500 proxy servers with IPs from all over the world


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
USA 500 IP

500 proxy servers with USA IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Rotating: 5M Requests

5 Million requests
New IP for each request


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
UK 500 IP

500 proxy servers with UK IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
China 500 IP

500 proxy servers with China IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Brazil 1000 IP

1000 proxy servers with Brazil IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Mix: World 1000 IP

1000 proxy servers with IPs from all over the world


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Mix: Europe 3000 IP

3000 proxy servers with IP addresses of European countries


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Mix: America 1000 IP

1000 proxy servers with IP addresses of North American countries


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours

Free Proxies for AndFTP

The list of checked free public proxy servers for AndFTP is updated every hour.

Danger of using public proxies

99% of proxies from this list do not support loading sites via HTTPS protocol. In addition, their use is unsafe! We collect these proxies from open sources and are not responsible for their performance. If you need high-quality proxies for scraping and other purposes, use our offer of static or rotating proxies. Using these proxy servers you will get unlimited traffic and fast speed. You can also try our fast proxies for 1 hour absolutely free!

Get a 1 Hour Trial

Proxies online: 4252

IP Address Port Protocols Anonymity Country / City ISP Latency Speed Uptime Last Checked 27432 SOCKS5 Anonymous
OVH SAS 4639 ms 6030 Kbps 76% 0 min 5678 SOCKS4 Anonymous
Airtel KE Mobile & Fixed Internet 3198 ms 4420 Kbps 7% 0 min 8080 HTTP Elite
MYNET 4215 ms 4774 Kbps 3% 0 min 82 HTTP Elite
Elxire IT Solution 2290 ms 4274 Kbps 86% 0 min 28511 SOCKS4, SOCKS5 Anonymous
Contabo GmbH 4067 ms 9799 Kbps 52% 0 min 8246 HTTP Elite
United States
Vyve Broadband 3428 ms 5156 Kbps 38% 0 min 8080 HTTP Elite
Gateway Online Access Limited 3494 ms 6921 Kbps 22% 0 min 4145 SOCKS4, SOCKS5 Anonymous
United Kingdom
Performive LLC 789 ms 7521 Kbps 100% 0 min 8181 HTTP Elite
PT Pusaka Kreasi Mandiri 3533 ms 6243 Kbps 71% 0 min 8080 HTTP Elite
PT Lintas Data Multimedia 3195 ms 2537 Kbps 86% 0 min 4756 SOCKS4 Anonymous
United States
Ashburn, LLC 3185 ms 8501 Kbps 31% 0 min 8080 HTTP Elite
PT Hepra Teknologi Indonesia 4445 ms 3344 Kbps 38% 0 min 9941 HTTP Elite
NARATEL 2238 ms 7461 Kbps 14% 0 min 8080 HTTP Elite
Pak Kret
Triple T Broadband Public Company Limited 4154 ms 9292 Kbps 62% 0 min 1111 HTTP Elite
RSTNET 3881 ms 7254 Kbps 52% 0 min 8080 HTTP Elite
SinergiNet 3229 ms 6674 Kbps 66% 0 min 8080 HTTP Elite
Duren Tiga
PT Indo Telemedia Solusi 4329 ms 401 Kbps 11% 0 min 60606 SOCKS4 Anonymous
São José
Empresa Catarinense de Tecnologia em Telecom. Ltda 1148 ms 9303 Kbps 5% 0 min 4145 SOCKS4, SOCKS5 Anonymous
United States
Cox Communications Inc. 807 ms 7270 Kbps 100% 0 min 1080 SOCKS4 Anonymous
Frankfurt am Main
H2nexus LTD 3479 ms 3147 Kbps 40% 0 min
1 - 20 entries out of 4252

Generating proxy list... 0%

Frequently Asked Questions about AndFTP Proxy

A1: A proxy server acts as an intermediary between your device and the internet. When you request a web page or any online resource, the proxy server forwards the request on your behalf to the target server. The response from the target server is then sent back to you through the proxy server. This process allows you to access the internet while masking your real IP address, enhancing privacy and security.

A2: Proxy servers offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Anonymity and privacy protection by hiding your IP address.
  • Enhanced security through access control, malware filtering, and DDoS mitigation.
  • Bypassing geo-restrictions to access content from different regions.
  • High-speed performance with load balancing and caching.
  • Facilitating content scraping, web crawling, and SEO monitoring.
  • Access control and monitoring for organizations.
  • E-commerce and ad verification, as well as social media management.
  • SEO and SERP tracking for digital marketing professionals.

A3: Proxy servers protect your online privacy by masking your real IP address. When you browse the internet through a proxy, websites and online services see the IP address of the proxy server rather than your own. This prevents them from tracking your online activities and ensures that your personal information remains confidential.

A4: Yes, proxy servers can help you access region-locked content. By routing your internet traffic through a proxy server located in the desired region, you can make it appear as if you are browsing from that location. This allows you to access content, services, or websites that may be restricted in your actual geographic location.

A5: Proxy servers offer several advantages to businesses, including:

  • Enhanced security and protection against cyber threats.
  • The ability to gather market research data from various regions.
  • Improved network performance through load balancing and bandwidth management.
  • Content scraping for competitive analysis and research.
  • Ad verification and monitoring of competitor ad campaigns.
  • Effective social media management and SEO tracking.
Datacenter Proxies
Shared Proxies

A huge number of reliable and fast proxy servers.

Starting at$0.06 per IP
Rotating Proxies
Rotating Proxies

Unlimited rotating proxies with a pay-per-request model.

Starting at$0.0001 per request
Private Proxies
UDP Proxies

Proxies with UDP support.

Starting at$0.4 per IP
Private Proxies
Private Proxies

Dedicated proxies for individual use.

Starting at$5 per IP
Unlimited Proxies
Unlimited Proxies

Proxy servers with unlimited traffic.

Starting at$0.06 per IP

Free Trial Proxy Package

Try our proxies absolutely free!

We provide a small package of 50-70 proxy servers in various locations for testing proxy speed and availability.

You can use the provided proxy package within an hour from the moment of issue.

UChoose the package you need, pay the invoice and test the proxies for 24 hours. If the proxies do not suit you for any reason, we will fully refund the money to your account or to your balance for ordering new services.
Get Free Proxy Trial
Free Trial Proxy

Location of Our Proxy Servers

We provide a wide range of proxy servers around the world. Our extensive network spans many countries and regions, allowing you to efficiently and effectively collect data tailored to the geographic requirements of your scraping projects.

Africa (51)
Asia (58)
Europe (47)
North America (28)
Oceania (7)
South America (14)


Advantages of Using Proxy Servers for Various Tasks

1. Anonymity and Privacy Protection

  • IP Address Masking: Proxy servers hide the user’s real IP address, enhancing anonymity online.
  • Data Encryption: Some proxies support encryption, ensuring data privacy during transmission.
  • Protection from Tracking: Proxies prevent websites and advertisers from tracking user behavior.

2. Improved Security

  • Access Control: Proxy servers can restrict access to specific websites or resources, enhancing security.
  • Malware and Threat Filtering: Proxies can filter out malicious content, protecting users from malware.
  • DDoS Mitigation: Proxies can absorb and mitigate DDoS attacks, ensuring service availability.

3. Geo-Restriction Bypass

  • Access Global Content: Users can access region-locked content by routing through proxies in the desired location.
  • Market Research: Businesses can gather data from various regions for market analysis.

4. High-Speed Performance

  • Load Balancing: Proxies distribute traffic efficiently, preventing server overload and ensuring optimal performance.
  • Caching: Proxies cache frequently requested content, reducing server load and speeding up access.

5. Content Scraping and Web Crawling

  • Data Extraction: Proxies enable data extraction from websites for competitive analysis and research.
  • SEO Monitoring: SEO professionals use proxies to monitor search engine rankings from different locations.

6. Access Control and Monitoring

  • Network Filtering: Proxies allow organizations to control and monitor employees’ internet usage.
  • Bandwidth Management: Proxies can optimize bandwidth allocation, improving network performance.

7. Enhanced E-Commerce and Ad Verification

  • Ad Verification: Advertisers use proxies to verify ad placements and monitor competitors’ campaigns.
  • Price Comparison: E-commerce businesses gather pricing data from competitors’ websites.

8. Social Media Management

  • Multiple Accounts: Proxies facilitate managing multiple social media accounts without restrictions.
  • Location-Based Posting: Proxies enable posting content as if from different geographic locations.

9. SEO and SERP Tracking

  • Keyword Ranking: Proxies allow tracking keyword rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Competitor Analysis: SEO professionals can analyze competitors’ SERP positions.


Proxy servers are versatile tools with a multitude of applications across various industries. Whether it’s for ensuring online privacy, improving security, bypassing geo-restrictions, or optimizing network performance, proxy servers offer a wide array of advantages. They are invaluable tools for businesses, researchers, and individuals looking to achieve specific goals on the internet. For more information on how OneProxy can meet your specific proxy server needs, please visit our website at or contact our sales team for personalized assistance.


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Ready to use our proxy servers right now?
from $0.06 per IP