Proxy for Garena Live

Garena Live is an online live-streaming platform, predominantly focused on gaming and esports content. It allows users to watch live streams, engage in real-time chats, and even broadcast their own content. Developed by Garena, a leading internet and game service provider, the platform has garnered a massive user base, offering a unique mix of social media, messengers, and content consumption.

Garena Live Logo

Choose and Buy Proxies

Best selling proxies

Mix: World 500 IP

500 proxy servers with IPs from all over the world


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
USA 500 IP

500 proxy servers with USA IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Rotating: 5M Requests

5 Million requests
New IP for each request


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
UK 500 IP

500 proxy servers with UK IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
China 500 IP

500 proxy servers with China IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Brazil 1000 IP

1000 proxy servers with Brazil IPs


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Mix: World 1000 IP

1000 proxy servers with IPs from all over the world


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Mix: Europe 3000 IP

3000 proxy servers with IP addresses of European countries


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours
Mix: America 1000 IP

1000 proxy servers with IP addresses of North American countries


  • HTTP(S) / SOCKS 4 / SOCKS 5
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Authorization by login/password
  • Refund within 24 hours

Free Proxies for Garena Live

The list of checked free public proxy servers for Garena Live is updated every hour.

Danger of using public proxies

99% of proxies from this list do not support loading sites via HTTPS protocol. In addition, their use is unsafe! We collect these proxies from open sources and are not responsible for their performance. If you need high-quality proxies for scraping and other purposes, use our offer of static or rotating proxies. Using these proxy servers you will get unlimited traffic and fast speed. You can also try our fast proxies for 1 hour absolutely free!

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Proxies online: 3442

IP Address Port Protocols Anonymity Country / City ISP Latency Speed Uptime Last Checked 18684 SOCKS4 Anonymous
Contabo GmbH 1396 ms 8466 Kbps 90% 30 min 8085 HTTP Anonymous
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
HostHatch 1091 ms 3766 Kbps 68% 30 min 55257 SOCKS5 Anonymous
Hetzner Online GmbH 1483 ms 7252 Kbps 44% 30 min 8123 HTTP Anonymous
Microsoft Corporation 113 ms 6433 Kbps 100% 30 min 52515 SOCKS4 Anonymous
OVH SAS 2378 ms 9033 Kbps 100% 30 min 47462 SOCKS4 Anonymous
OVH SAS 1966 ms 5645 Kbps 72% 30 min 1080 SOCKS4 Anonymous
I-servers LTD 3834 ms 1634 Kbps 5% 30 min 17893 SOCKS5 Anonymous
Hosting Ukraine LTD 3147 ms 2711 Kbps 59% 30 min 80 HTTP Anonymous
United Kingdom
OVH SAS 2976 ms 5389 Kbps 100% 30 min 56129 SOCKS5 Anonymous
United States
DigitalOcean, LLC 3035 ms 4201 Kbps 54% 30 min 4145 SOCKS4, SOCKS5 Anonymous
United States
Cox Communications Inc. 1401 ms 5696 Kbps 100% 30 min 8443 HTTP Elite
China Mobile Communications Corporation 1375 ms 7992 Kbps 100% 30 min 3128 HTTP Anonymous
Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co 4764 ms 6677 Kbps 90% 30 min 4145 SOCKS4, SOCKS5 Anonymous
United States
San Diego
Cox Communications Inc. 1396 ms 1110 Kbps 100% 30 min 4145 SOCKS4, SOCKS5 Anonymous
United States
Cox Communications Inc. 2394 ms 649 Kbps 100% 30 min 4145 SOCKS4, SOCKS5 Anonymous
United States
Cox Communications Inc. 1128 ms 7202 Kbps 100% 30 min 34309 SOCKS4, SOCKS5 Anonymous
United States
North Bergen
DigitalOcean, LLC 2628 ms 8757 Kbps 21% 30 min 48099 SOCKS4, SOCKS5 Anonymous
United Kingdom
DigitalOcean, LLC 3730 ms 5136 Kbps 45% 30 min 8443 HTTP, SOCKS4 Anonymous
Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co., Ltd. 4492 ms 1463 Kbps 66% 30 min 9002 HTTP Anonymous
China Mobile communications corporation 945 ms 2738 Kbps 100% 30 min
1 - 20 entries out of 3442

Generating proxy list... 0%

Frequently Asked Questions about Garena Live Proxy

Garena Live is an online live-streaming platform primarily focused on gaming and esports. It allows users to watch live streams, engage in real-time chats, and even broadcast their own content. The platform is developed by Garena, a major internet and game service provider. Key features include live streaming, user interaction through live chats and gifts, a user-friendly interface for broadcasters, community building opportunities, and multi-platform accessibility.

Proxy servers can be used in Garena Live for various purposes such as bypassing geographical restrictions on certain content, load balancing to distribute network or application traffic, and improving speed and reliability by caching data. They serve as intermediaries between your computer and the internet, enabling you to access Garena Live as if you are browsing from a different location.

There are several reasons to consider using a proxy with Garena Live. These include enhanced privacy by masking your IP address, increased security through advanced features like encryption, accessibility to geo-restricted content, improved performance through faster load times, and providing a backup connection in case the main connection drops.

Yes, there are some potential issues to be aware of. These include latency, as some proxy servers might slow down your connection; compatibility issues, as not all proxy servers may work well with Garena Live; potential security risks if the proxy server itself is not secure; and additional costs for high-quality proxy services.

OneProxy stands out as an ideal choice for your Garena Live proxy needs for several reasons. These include offering high-speed connections to ensure minimal latency, advanced security protocols like SSL encryption to safeguard your data, a global network of servers to help you bypass geographical restrictions, 24/7 customer support, and cost-effective packages that offer excellent value for the features provided.

Datacenter Proxies
Shared Proxies

A huge number of reliable and fast proxy servers.

Starting at$0.06 per IP
Rotating Proxies
Rotating Proxies

Unlimited rotating proxies with a pay-per-request model.

Starting at$0.0001 per request
Private Proxies
UDP Proxies

Proxies with UDP support.

Starting at$0.4 per IP
Private Proxies
Private Proxies

Dedicated proxies for individual use.

Starting at$5 per IP
Unlimited Proxies
Unlimited Proxies

Proxy servers with unlimited traffic.

Starting at$0.06 per IP

Free Trial Proxy Package

Try our proxies absolutely free!

We provide a small package of 50-70 proxy servers in various locations for testing proxy speed and availability.

You can use the provided proxy package within an hour from the moment of issue.

UChoose the package you need, pay the invoice and test the proxies for 24 hours. If the proxies do not suit you for any reason, we will fully refund the money to your account or to your balance for ordering new services.
Get Free Proxy Trial
Free Trial Proxy

Location of Our Proxy Servers

We provide a wide range of proxy servers around the world. Our extensive network spans many countries and regions, allowing you to efficiently and effectively collect data tailored to the geographic requirements of your scraping projects.

Africa (51)
Asia (58)
Europe (47)
North America (28)
Oceania (7)
South America (14)

Unlocking the Full Potential of Garena Live with OneProxy Servers

What is Garena Live?

Garena Live is an online live-streaming platform, predominantly focused on gaming and esports content. It allows users to watch live streams, engage in real-time chats, and even broadcast their own content. Developed by Garena, a leading internet and game service provider, the platform has garnered a massive user base, offering a unique mix of social media, messengers, and content consumption.

In-Depth Understanding of Garena Live

Delving further into the functionalities, Garena Live is more than just a live-streaming platform. It incorporates a variety of features that make it stand out:


  1. Live Streaming: Watch real-time game broadcasts, tutorials, and eSports events.
  2. User Interaction: Live chats, emojis, and gifts for streamers.
  3. Broadcaster Support: Offers a seamless interface for aspiring broadcasters.
  4. Community Building: Connect with users who have similar interests, join groups, or create your own.
  5. Multi-platform Accessibility: Accessible via desktop, mobile applications, and even Smart TVs.

Table 1: Unique Features of Garena Live

Feature Benefit
Real-time broadcasting Keep up with the latest trends and updates in gaming
Community engagement Forge connections, share tips and strategies
Multi-device access Enjoy content from any device, at any time

How Proxies Can Be Used in Garena Live

Proxy servers act as intermediaries between the user’s computer and the internet. They can be particularly useful in the Garena Live environment for various reasons:

  1. Bypassing Geographical Restrictions: Garena Live might have content or streams that are geographically restricted. A proxy server can mask your IP address to appear as though you are accessing from a permitted location.
  2. Load Balancing: Distributes network or application traffic across different servers.
  3. Increased Speed and Reliability: By caching data, proxy servers can significantly improve load times.

Table 2: Using Proxy Servers in Garena Live

Purpose How it Works
Geographical Bypass Mask your IP to access geo-restricted content
Load Balancing Distribute traffic to prevent server crashes
Speed & Reliability Cache data to improve load times and connectivity

Reasons for Using a Proxy in Garena Live

  1. Privacy: A proxy server can mask your IP address, providing an extra layer of privacy.
  2. Security: Many proxy servers offer advanced security features like encryption to protect your data.
  3. Accessibility: Gain access to restricted streams and exclusive content.
  4. Improved Performance: Faster load times and smoother streaming experience.
  5. Backup: In case your main connection drops, a proxy can act as a backup, ensuring uninterrupted service.

Problems That May Arise When Using a Proxy in Garena Live

While proxy servers offer many advantages, users should also be aware of potential pitfalls:

  1. Latency: Some proxy servers may add an extra layer of latency which might affect real-time gaming or streaming.
  2. Compatibility: Not all proxy servers are compatible with Garena Live, which could result in connection issues.
  3. Security Concerns: Low-quality proxy servers might compromise your security.
  4. Cost: High-quality proxy services often come with a price tag.

Why OneProxy is the Best Proxy Server Provider for Garena Live

OneProxy stands as an unmatched solution for all your proxy needs in Garena Live for several compelling reasons:

  1. Speed: OneProxy offers blazing fast connections, ensuring minimum latency.
  2. Security: Advanced security protocols like SSL encryption are in place to protect your data.
  3. Global Network: Wide range of server locations to help you bypass any geographical restrictions.
  4. Customer Support: 24/7 customer support to assist with any issues.
  5. Cost-Effective: Affordable packages that offer great value for the features provided.

Table 3: Why Choose OneProxy for Garena Live

Criteria OneProxy Advantage
Speed High-speed servers for lag-free experience
Security SSL Encryption and secure tunnels
Network Global reach to bypass any geo-restrictions
Customer Support Round-the-clock assistance
Cost Competitive pricing for top-notch services

By choosing OneProxy, you not only ensure a better Garena Live experience but also avail a host of other advantages that elevate your internet presence.


Here are some testimonials from our clients about our services.
Ready to use our proxy servers right now?
from $0.06 per IP